All about Pat Shannon

Welcome (Céad Míle Fáilte)

Hi There
          Firstly I hope this website finds all it’s visitors both fit and well. You’re very welcome along here. In case you don’t know me or stumbled on here by accident, as you can see my name is Pat Shannon and I hail from Ireland. Yes Ireland, the land of myths and legends! A place, where at the moment is going through it’s fair share of economic turmoil, like most countries. But we are an optimistic race of people and usually just “get on with it”. What has always arisen from the ashes of turmoil, throughout our history is THE ARTS. So we always have an abundance of writers playwrights, poets, actors, artists, etc. and of course bands, singers and songwriters.
          Which the latter is what this website is dedicated to. It’s a chance to let the world have a listen to my songs and styles of music to which I have spent a lot of my life putting together. There is also an online shop from which the listener can avail of the chance to download my music. As well as that, this site gives me a chance to communicate with other people, both artists and listeners. I would be very grateful if you can please sign my guest book before leaving. You can also join my mailing list, to keep up with what’s happening in my wacky world. Have a good browse and enjoy the site.

          As I always say: ” Always keep a bit of music handy and………..Be lucky !!